I made a piano
Well, I made a piano sample… er, a sample instrument. I made a sampled piano instrument with a lot of help.
Available FREE at Pianobook
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
I create a lot of the sounds I use in music production, both for artists/songs/albums and for our the tracks in our synch labels at The License Lab.
Recently I have begun some early experiments in making these available through my HOLTERGEIST moniker (there's a fledgling website at holtergeist.io).
I have also used the incredible free resource known as Pianobook from time to time and wanted to make something for their community to balance that creative karma. Just got word this morning that my first ever submission for their site was approved... which is a simple but useful sample instrument built from recording my Steinway B which currently resides back in Milwaukee at Wire & Vice, the studio I sold last year (one big reason I wanted to sample it following my move to Seattle!). My longtime friend and creative collaborator Sam Ecoff helped immensely in bringing this thing to life.
Here’s a snippet from the instrument’s story at Pianobook :
I’ve had so many artists, bandmates, pianists come through the studio and ask to sit and play the piano… and every single one of them has stopped playing after a minute or two to inquire something along the lines of “What’s the deal with this piano? It plays amazing!” Every. Single. One. It is a remarkable piece of hand built engineering to behold, and the craftsmen at Steinway certainly got this one just right. I realize a sample instrument doesn’t offer the physical experience and playability of the actual acoustic piano, but this is such a significant part of the history of this instrument and a big reason why I wanted to capture this particular Steinway B for inclusion in the Pianobook community.
Anyways, if you're into music making and Kontakt instruments and general studio geekery here's a link to the instrument at the Pianobook site.