
Deeply inspired by the impossibly creative lo-fi techniques and experimental approaches of Hainbach, BlankFor.ms, Amulets, and The Haxan Cloak, I set out to create some sounds intended to be used as Kick Drums in my own productions... but from source material that began as cassette machine malfunctions and the organic happenstances of analog tape instead of your usual synths and drum machines.

These are part of a larger set of original sound design creations ("Residual Noises") for music production under my Holtergeist moniker.

I’m making a set of Kick Drums available on Bandcamp (“Kicks That Ain’t”), with the full sample pack “Residual Noises” available here on my own site’s new store.

Everything in this sample pack either started on tape, went through my cassette machines, or is the result of letting tape eat itself or having the machines malfunction, electronically or physically… so some of these samples are noisy. Actually, a lot of them are. 

Check out the exploratory demo jams from my friend Kevin Bush (of Immortal Girlfriend) made using nothing but the sounds from this sample pack.

Thanks for being interested in this weird stuff, it's been nice to learn I'm not alone in this odd quest for noise and inspiration.
